Wednesday, November 04, 2009

halo cut, unnatural ?

oh my god this is the second post where i am criticizing mr. harry lorayne again, what the heck is wrong with me. any ways here it goes ...

HaLo Aces is the effect I believe where the magician seems to genuinely loose the aces in the pack and then dead cuts to them even while shuffling the deck. when i was first shown the effect it boggled my mind to a great extent. its ingenious in its working from a magician's point of view and is a great magician fooler.

it was when i was playing with this effect that it occurred to me that there is a basic fallacy in the Halo Cut. if u kick cut the top half then the card at the bottom of the top talon or the top card of the bottom talon is technically the card you have dead cut to ... right ? but that is not the case with the HaLo cut. of course it will pass by all laymen but i wonder how it did not occur to me that i was completely oblivious to the fallacy. this just goes to show how blind we get when performing our magic we seldom think about what it is exactly that we are doing.

any ways the solution that i m currently using is to use the Halo cut and then complete the cut keeping a break and then cutting the deck once again this time there is no fallacy when executing the dead cut.

by the way the reason i think i discovered the unnaturalness of the halo cut is a post by tyler wilson on the unnaturalness of the double undercut. though i personally don't think the double undercut is unnatural but if mr. lorayne gets angry then he should know that it is mr. tyler wilson who should get the blame :P