Sunday, September 24, 2006

card manipulation -- too much proving???

although card manipulations can look pretty if done properly, but the very nature of the manipulations make them a non-magical effect and more like jugglery. perhaps to a first time viewer it might appear like a very very perplexing puzzle but any ``experienced" audience would probably pass these on as mere digital dexterity and juggling and not magic. i think the amazement factor is lost upon the audience and upon that very loss the magical nature goes too.

Friday, September 22, 2006

difficult to perform for kids

its one thing to sit in front of the mirror and practice endlessly and then perhaps recording a lone performance with a webcam and uploading to mvd or some other place and then feeling proud, its an ENTIRELY different matter to perform for real ppl in the real world.

its more difficult i think to perform for kids. recently i had a run of bad luck with the kids at the local "chaay ki dukaan".

i feel more comfortable with cards but carrying cards is not always possible and mostly i have coins or other small objects around. many months back i began with simple coin vanish and other things. the things i did were more of less the following

1) cranium vanish
2) 2 coin transposition / 2 coins coin across
3) wither vanish ( fitz palm )

it was a hit. mostly because they did not know what to expect and then when i did the magic they were all amazed. now i was running out of material to do for them also.

many weeks passed and every day these kids would request me to perform more magic for them. however i had no new material to show them and i would honestly admit that i haven't learn any new stuff. then one day i realized that its important to show ppl the learnt stuff. so began the BIG REALIZATION that i was a wuss, a wimp when it comes to magic.

these little guys caught me on so many occassions.i feel ashamed admiting it here.

there was a lesson in it for me. i have now learnt to digest getting caught. its very important to get critisized and although they don't say that i was bad they just laughed out loud when they catch a secret move.

but i won't give up i have to continue performing for them and learn more. ......