Friday, June 19, 2009

erdnase again

i really like this post from Devol over at the Scoundrels Forum

Here's some details on the David Alexander candidate.....

In and around Helena, Montana lived the father:

and the son:

A few bits of information:
1) The book is not called "The Expert at the Card Table"'s called (as per the title page) "Artifice, Ruse, and Subterfuge at the Card Table"......but you need an actual first edition to see the title page as Erdnase meant it to be seen.
2) Although Darwin Ortiz "Annotations" does give the correct title, it does not use the original, and very important typography of the first edition.
3) The authors name, and the books title aren't simple anagrams (as Andru points out above), but rather are highly complex anagrams.
4) The authors name provide four useable anagrams which result in proper names (in addition to the standard Andrews). Ward Essen, Wes Anders, E.W. Sanders, and W.E. Sanders.
5) How do we find the real name?........we look at original source material for Erdnase research, his book........Erdnase only names one sleight in the book after himself, the S.W.E. Shift , and in doing so, he tells us who he is!
6) A "shift" (as in S.W.E. Shift) moves the top block of cards to the bottom. If we follow Erdnase's anagram instructions and apply them to the letters in his secret clue, we would move the "S" in S.W.E. Shift to the bottom, we get the initials "W.E.S.".........and lo and behold we have an anagram candidate named (get ready for it).............W.E. Sanders!!
7) To further put the nail in the Andrews coffin, if we also reverse the original name of the book (and remove the tiny type in the original typeset), we get "Cardtable Subterfuge, And-Ruse Artiface (Andrews is artiface).

So he tells the die-hard researcher that he's not Mr. Andrews, and that he is W.E. Sanders!

When M.D. Smith sat down with S.W. Erdnase in a cold Chicago hotel room was he really sitting down with Wilbur Edgerton Sanders from Helena, Montana?

I have pictures of W.E. Sanders, unfortunately they're not online, and they're not mine to share. I will say that looking at this young chaps eyes as he stares right into the camera gives me the stone-cold-shivers.
Are they the eyes of S.W. Erdnase?

interesting eh ?

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