Sunday, June 14, 2009

why skill is important ?

i have never liked max maven for one reason or the other. may be phil goldstein is a likable person but max maven the magician or the mentalist is not on my list of "what a guy". i caught a glimpse of his show where he tries to impress upon his audience the idea that he is an erudite. he recites lots of big names in science and literature and then frowns upon the audience in a mocking fashion when they can't seem to relate to the mumbo jumbo he mouths. what a shame !

check out the big mess he lands himself in to in trying a classic force

``so what?" you say, every body misses now and then. yes they do but did you notice the fumble. the fact that he was not allowing a free choice was clear and apparent. so skill = nada, quick thinking = nada, managing a situation = nada. so why should he deserve any credit at all ?

now go and watch this and marvel why skill is so so so important


Bong said...

He spends more time on his hair than his skills. That was awful btw...

awhan said...

lol :) thanks for the comment ...

even though i wrote the post i do feel that i have been quite harsh and stupid in rubbishing him and his skill set so i guess i should set the record straight and say that i do not like or approve of his style of presentation ... it is extremely offensive to the audience. at least i would be offended if i was treated like his audiences.